
Orion Audio Books - Remedy Maps and Relationships

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Using case mapping, Mike shows how it is possible to view treatment as a process moving through a number of remedies rather than always a search for a single one.

A very useful tool for those new or fairly new to practice who wish to be able to predict where a case may go. Great for practising with confidence from the outset.

  • Relationship of remedies: acute/chronic.
  • Heart Therapeutics including: Digitalis, Cactus, Naja, Spartium, Arsenicum, Lactrodectus, Antimonium tartaricum, Laurocerasus.
  • Thuja: Map of related remedies including: Medorrhinum, Carcinosin, Tuberculinum, Arsenicum, Anacardium, Pulsatilla, Cannabis.

Taken from his hugely successful Orion course in advanced homeopathy, remedy Maps and relationship is no book-at-bedtime, lull yourself-to-sleep learning gizmo. Following the path leading on from a patient’s first prescription requires a thorough knowledge of the way remedies relate to each other… and Mike’s got the star charts. But there are also invaluable sections on how to treat active miasms, when and under what circumstances to use nosodes, how to deal with aggravations,when to repeat a remedy prescription, and the notion of diseases as conflict.

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Review by Lionel Milgrom

Mike Bridger mellifluously intoning the ‘bleeding obvious’, is like a homeopathic breath of fresh air. But now you don’t have to wait for a conference, course, or seminar to hear him ‘live’. Mike has now been recorded for posterity.

Yes folks; Mike Bridger has gone audio. Taken from his hugely successful Orion course in advanced homeopathy, Remedy Maps and Relationships is no book-at-bedtime’, lull-yourself-to-sleep learning gizmo. It is a guided tour through the complex galaxy of prescribing. Following the path leading on from a patient’s first prescription requires a thorough knowledge of the way remedies relate to each other…. and Mike’s got the star charts. But there are also invaluable sections on how to treat active miasms, when and under what circumstances to use nosodes, how to deal with aggravations, when to repeat a remedy prescription, and the notion of diseases as conflict. There can be little doubt that all is well in the homeopathic firmament when a full-flowing Mike Bridger is impinging on one’s consciousness; a lesson many of us learnt early on in our careers.

Back when I was a student at the now sadly defunct College of Homeopathy, and not even knee-high to a nux vomica, Mike was one of our most inspirational teachers: he still is. After a morning spent pondering philosophy, the Master’s bon mots, or Kent’s catechisms, into the classroom would breeze Mike Bridger to cover some remedy or other and have us rolling in the aisles with his pithy, down-to-earth homilies on what doing homeopathy is really all about. If, as the Talmud says, a lesson taught with humour is a lesson learnt, then many of us owe much of our hard-won graduation to his enthusiastic teaching.

What all of us found so amazing was how simple he makes homeopathy appear. But in the realities of practice, one’s homeopathy can get overly complicated by the latest fashions in prescribing, case-taking, and meditative provings. So when the opportunity arose to do his Orion advanced homeopathy course, I grabbed it with both hands. Years later, his call to ‘get real’, is as strong as ever and helps guide many of us through the doubts and fears that can assail us when the going gets tough.

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Originally sold as a double CD, this audio book comes in four parts that can be bought individually or as a whole.

Buy All 4 Parts Together

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Price: £32

Orion 1 Part 1

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Price: £8.75

Orion 1 Part 2

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Price: £8.75

Orion 2 Part 1

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Price: £8.75

Orion 2 Part 2

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Price: £8.75

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