Tag Archives: fighting the skeptics

Where is the Difference? By Catrin (CCH Graduate)

The two little girls look out of their paintings at something I cannot see.  High up on either side of the fireplace, suspended in the late 1800’s, they are twins, both aged about 6.  Yet within a couple of years, one had died of diphtheria, while the other lived through two World Wars to the […]

Fighting the Sceptics Part Two by Dion Tabrett (CCH Lecturer)

Right here we go. Time to unplug yourself from the self-sedation kit that some call the TV! Stop watching their biased accounts of homeopathy and read my biased blog instead! It’s common to come across humans who have watched a TV programme or read an article in a paper or even perused a scientific meta-analysis […]

Keep Mazes for the Monsters by Mike Bridger (CCH Principal)

Homeopaths often grumble about how as a profession, it is difficult to make a living out of practicing. This is often explained away by blaming the media. True – the media is now so infected by a powerful lobby of so-called skeptics but these are really an odd mix of comedians,  magicians and odd folk led by a fanatical group […]

Fighting the Skeptics By Dion Tabrett (CCH Lecturer

Here is the first in a series of blogs from one of CCH’s long-standing lecturer’s and clinic supervisor, Dion. Picture the scene… a party or a bar somewhere. Our intrepid blogger (that’s me!) has had a few drinks and is in deep conversation with another human. A male. The conversation started with “who do you […]