Author Archives: The College Of Homeopathy

Our First Newsletter ~ Summer 2016

Welcome to our first CCH Newsletter keeping you up to date with life at the Contemporary College of Homeopathy. We want to keep building our CCH community and would love you to keep us updated with your homeopathy news – email us at If you would like to join our mailing list just drop us […]

Whooping Cough by Chantal Enders (Beginners Course Tutor)

Whooping cough, which is also known as pertussis or the hundred day cough, is a described as a highly contagious bacterial infection of the lungs and airways, caused by the Bordetella pertussis bacterium, which infects the lining of the airways – mainly the windpipe (trachea) and the two airways that branch off from it to […]

Homeopathy and the Postnatal Period by Jess (CCH Graduate)

This blog is exploring homeopathy and it’s uses during the post-natal period, where it can provide an invaluable support for both mother and baby. The postnatal period refers to the time immediately following birth and the 6 weeks following, in many traditional cultures this is understood to be a sacred time in which mothers and […]

Scarlet Fever & Homeopathy by Chantal Enders (Beginners Course Tutor)

Chantal teaches on our Beginners course here at CCH. These dynamic one day courses are ideal for those who are curious about health matters and would like to know about homeopathic treatment and what it offers. It is suitable for anyone who would like to be more informed about their health issues and the health of their […]

Building a Successful Practice by Mike Bridger (CCH Principal)

This is a subject that is frequently talked about and of course is important to every college, as well as students and graduates. There are many seminars and workshops out there about building a successful practice these days  and I might as well ‘cut to the chase’ and say that many miss out the over-riding issue […]

Stress, drugs and homeopathy by Karen (CCH Graduate)

In this blog Karen explores the subject of natural immunity and questions why we get ill and how homeopathy can help. Alive and self-repairing! The human body.  When you stop and really think about it, we are all amazing!  We are very much alive and self-repairing with countless processes taking place constantly and imperceptibly to keep […]

Unplugged by Sarah Clarke (CCH graduate)

As their final project our 4th years from last year were required to write about what led them to study homeopathy. Here is Sarah’s….. Once upon a time, I lived in blissful ignorance where life was simple and uncomplicated.  There was no one to consider but myself and my own needs.  Although, I have always […]

Fighting the Skeptics By Dion Tabrett (CCH Lecturer

Here is the first in a series of blogs from one of CCH’s long-standing lecturer’s and clinic supervisor, Dion. Picture the scene… a party or a bar somewhere. Our intrepid blogger (that’s me!) has had a few drinks and is in deep conversation with another human. A male. The conversation started with “who do you […]

Treating the Impact of Trauma – a Cross Discipline Approach

Mike and Kate from CCH recently held and participated in a unique workshop exploring the treatment of trauma using a multi-disciplinary approach. The therapies included homeopathy, massage and cranio-sacral. The aim of the workshop was to open therapists awareness to other therapies and approaches that could complement and improve their own practices. Here is some […]

Ghana Homeopathy Project – An Update

The Ghana Homeopathy Project (GHP) is celebrating it’s 10 year anniversary this year. The project was set up by Linda Shannon, who is a long-standing lecturer here at the Contemporary College of Homeopathy. The GHP is a very pioneering project, who’s vision is to train homeopaths who can in turn train others. Their intention is […]